Monday, April 9, 2007

The UPA and Canada

Currently the UPA provides the following services to Canada: access to championships, sanctioning, and some coaching clinics. Should the UPA continue these offerings? Why? What are the impacts? Should the UPA offer all of its services to Canada?

Please review the findings for this topic before engaging in discussion.


Unknown said...

Yes, yes, and yes. They are willing to pay their dues and support the organization, so I say let them play. I see no good reason why we should confine the best tournament series in the world to a single nation.

I can't think of any downsides except the continued use of "Champies" instead of "Nationals".

Willy said...

If the primary goal of the UPA is to grow the sport of ultimate, then to engage Canadian in this pursuit, allies in this cause, is a very positive pursuit. Secondarily, the Canadians also provide revenues to the UPA via membership fees, clinic fees and the like.
Let them continue to be engaged for the overall good of the sport.

(Re)becca said...

If Ultimate really aims to be a revolutionary and progressive sport, then it would never make sense to exclude or discourage international partnerships and participation. It would further the growth of an open, connected Ultimate community, which helps maintain the spirit of our game. Keep 'em.

woytek said...

Include Canada.
Expands the sport, resources, funding, knowledge, and international credibility.