Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Assessment Finding: "Self Officiated Play"

Based on input from over 7,000 responses

The issues of playing with referees and becoming a more mainstream sport have been divisive issues for years in the Ultimate community. UPA leadership has not figured out its position on these issues or decided on the role it will play.

When asked about their feelings regarding referees, survey respondents revealed a very ambivalent stance:
18% said “Referees will ruin Ultimate - they should never be allowed”
34% said “It is dangerous territory - integrity of the game will be at risk”
26% said “I might be ok with it - I am open to experimentation”
16% said “I'd like to play with it, but only at certain levels”
5% said “It's the future of ultimate - it's the only way

When asked about their feelings regarding observers, survey respondents showed a more accepting attitude:
2% said “Observers will ruin Ultimate - they should never be allowed”
10% said “It is dangerous territory - integrity of the game will be at risk”
22% said “I might be ok with it - I am open to experimentation”
44% said “I'd like to play with it, but only at certain levels”
15% said “It's the future of ultimate - it's the only way
6% said Observers don’t go far enough - bring on the refs

Some Quotes:

“Refs will ruin the game and make it like every other game that has gone down the tubes. Why can’t we stay different?” (Member)

“The UPA has been too slow on the issue of referees - now other people are doing it and they could ruin it.” (Member)

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